FTP installation and configuration in linux :
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Like most other FTP (ProFTPD, pure-ftpd), vsftpd runs virtual users, that is to say the ability to create user accounts without them are system users (they are in fact all "mapped" on a user system dedicated to this). The peculiarity is that vsftpd uses PAM for authentication of users. We therefore many authentication options that WFP offers.
This documentation describes a configuration of vsftpd in standalone mode, with user authentication system and virtual users. The login information will be stored in these choices in a database format berkeley, or a mysql database. This documentation has been tested on Fedora 7, Fedora 8, 9 and preview Centos 5.0/5.1, but should work on earlier versions.
Connection diagrams :
- control channel: it allows the client and server to exchange commands for the protocol, and also identify.
- data channel: as the name implies, it is used to exchange data between the two positions. It is on the implementation of this channel differs passive mode and active mode.
Installation :
Preparation and pre-requisite equipment
To install a vsftpd server must have the following:
Server on Linux / Fedora Core.
INTERNET access.
Of disk space for the different areas ftp (anonymous or not) that you want to implement.
Installation packages in the system yum
# yum install vsftpd
Ask RPM to list to verify the installation of packages.
# rpm-qa vsftpd *
Configuration :
Ihere are a number of configuration options, varying server behavior in very different ways. Reading the man page for vsftpd is indispensable for secure configuration.
The configuration file for vsftpd is in / etc / vsftpd and vsftpd.conf is called. We start from an empty configuration, so we move to the folder, and then rename the file:
$ Su -
# Cd / etc / vsftpd
# Mv vsftpd.conf vsftpd.conf.default
We then create a folder that will contain the user-specific configurations:
# Mkdir vsftpd_user_conf
ftpusers and user_list
These two files have the same purpose: banning users. Indeed it both contain a list of users for which the ftp server will reject any connection. Why two files (with identical content)?
- The first (ftpusers) is used in the PAM configuration made default on Fedora and CentOS. A connection to a user, PAM has read this file and if the login is used in this file, the connection is refused.
- The second (user_list) is used directly by vsftpd. It can have two uses: either only users in this file have the right to connect or access is always denied.
- First case (ftpusers): the PAM system will not react, and the password will be requested. From there, even if it is correct, WFP will refuse the connection as "root" is present in the ftpusers file.
- Second case (user_list) Vsftpd going to react differently. When the login is requested, and the user will type "root", it will cut the connection directly, without even asking the password.C'est une subtilité, mais je préfère ce comportement. Le protocole FTP envoyant les données en clair, cela évite par exemple d'envoyer le mot de passe root pour rien. Je vais donc utiliser le fichier user_list plutôt que ftpusers, même si ce n'est pas le choix par défaut fait pour Fedora et Centos.
It listens on port 21
- It is standalone
- We refuse anonymous users
- We accept the system users and virtual users
- Virtual users are mapped to the system user "ftp"
- Users do not have write permissions by default
- They are chrooted to / var / ftp
- / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd_user_conf / will file for virtual users configurations
- / etc / vsftpd / user_list contain the list of denied users (for which we will not even ask the password)
For greater safety, reduces the rights to the configuration file:
# Chmod 600 / etc / vsftpd / vsftpd.conf
User creation system:
This user owns the files and folders that will create virtual users.
# groupadd ftpclient
# useradd -g ftpclient -d /home/ftpclient ftpclient
# passwd ftpclient # chown ftpclient:ftpclient /home/ftpclient
# chmod 700 /home/ftpclient
Démarrer le service vsftpd
Once the configuration file replaced, it restarts the FTP server by typing as root:
# / Etc / init.d / vsftpd start
To start, stop and restart the service, the respective commands are (always superuser):
# service vsftpd start
# service vsftpd restart
# service vsftpd stop
Test server
1-Open the prompt
2-Type -> ftp targetMachineIP
I use ftp in this case,
3-type user name and password
I use root root123
if what you provide is true that you are connected!
It is possible to connect to an FTP server using the FTP module content in Internet Explorer or Firefox
To access a server that requires a user name and a password, type the address as follows:
ftp://login:password @ server address
login:represents the user name
password: password
To access a server that requires a user name and a password, type the address as follows:
ftp://login:password @ server address
login:represents the user name
password: password
If your login is correct then you can access your files!